Monday 22 August 2011

Can Someone Tell Me What To Do With This Concrete Cone?

What shall I do with this small concrete cone? (playmobile figure added alongside for scale only)

Let me tell you the story before you tell me what to do with it.

I went to a ruby wedding celebration party at the weekend and had a good old time.  At the party there were about ten tables, each having at least two displays of balloons. Each display consisted of three or four helium filled balloons on long strings tied to some sort of weight. At the end of the party a guest next to me took two of the balloon for her young daughter. I assisted in the untying them from the weight. Normally the weight is a plastic bag filled with water. This weight felt different. We stripped away the decorative paper covering and to my surprise, we found this concrete cone.

Concrete is made using cement and some form of aggregate. Cement is made by grinding limestone and shale and calcifying in a massive rotary kiln. This is then ground in rotary mills to form the dusty cement that arrives in bags to the DIY store. Many moons ago a worked as a design engineer for a cement manufacturer. The efforts and energy to produce cement are enormous. The limestone is quarried; rocks the sizes of a small car are dumped into enormous crushers. The kilns are several hundred feet long. The Cement Works have their own high voltage power supplies.
To me all this makes cement a precious resource to be used wisely. Making balloon weights which will be binned after the party is not wise. I cannot see many people collecting these after the party and taking them to their local recycling centre for crushing and reuse as hard-core.

Now to “what shall I do with it part” of the post. I like the tactile smooth conic shape of the weight and I what to change the destiny of this weight. I am driven to painting it and having it as a decorative object. The problem is that I cannot decide whether to paint it shiny red or matt white.

In the famous words of the Big Brother. ‘You decide’


  1. Dad, I cannot believe you brought this cone home from a party! Give a cone a home! So the question is 'what tone for the cone?' or to 'Leave the cone alone?'. Oooh I'm really getting into the 'cone zone' now! Although I do quite like the current 'stone or bone tone of the cone'! xx

  2. What a ‘coney’ response (but it did make me laugh) xx

  3. Ah! A concrete cone! I have the very same thing on my desk! Also stolen from a party with balloons! An engagement party I think. I had to steal it because it was quite beautiful in its own way? I dont know! I guess Im just a hoarder!!! Viva la concrete cone!

  4. defo a helter skelter in red and white...
