Wednesday 2 November 2011

Roland (as I remember him)

I remember this man from my childhood. He would walk around the town dressed as probably best described as a Dandy, along with a silver tipped walking stick. I remember he once got on a bus that I was on. He stood and talked to the conductor and got off a few stops later without paying. I was possibly nine or ten at the time and I thought that he must be some one special not to have to pay. The thing that I kept in my mind was his red spotted neck scarf. His suit and hat were black making his scarf more prominent.  A while ago I came across a black and white photograph of Roland in book. It did not look right without his red scarf. Hence my ink, pen and red watercolour copy. I know it is not great art to copy something but it is good to keep my draughting skills in tune (weak excuse I know).

Do not try this at home. Some inks when watered down turn to a greeny blue colour. If you must, try Rotring ink. 

4" x 5"

PS sorry about the reflection in the photograph, I did not want to remove him from his frame.

1 comment:

  1. I love this painting, and I love how much it means to you xx
