Monday, 18 April 2011

I got my cheque today ...

I got my cheque today for a piece of work that I sold in an exhibition at the Ferens Art Gallery. This is a bitter sweet feeling.
Bitter for the loss of a piece of work that had a bit of my heart, a bit of my soul and some of my time in its creation.
Sweet for the good feeling that someone liked my work enough that they were willing to pay for it. I only hope that they treasure it and it does not become a wall dressing to be discarded when they redecorate. But this is what has to be lived with when a piece is put up for sale.

Size 8" x 27"

This is the piece that I sold. It is called ‘Unearthed Saxon Two’ (I have kept ‘Unearthed Saxon One’). It is three interlinked canvasses inspired by Saxon Art. I like watching archaeology programmes where the archaeologists slowly and carefully brush the earth of an article that has been found to reveal an ancient work of art.  This is my homage to the Saxon artists who produced intricate pieces of gold jewellery.


  1. Congratulations on your sale! Keep doing what you love and it will continue giving you back....lovely :)

  2. I love the textures and the squares x

  3. Isabelle -
    Thank you for your kind words
    Kathryn -
    You have noticed that I am addicted to squares.
